Worcester Polytechnic Institute


WPI is committed to developing curricula, projects and research, and activities that enhance interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary education of students that are well prepared to use technology to address the most pressing societal problems. We also commit to providing favorable environments for all tenured and untenured faculty members to engage in activities in the area of technology for the public interest.

PIT Universe’s Member Spotlight: Worcester Polytechnic Institute (2021)

WPI Global Lab’s interview with Yunus Telliel and Laureen Elgert on their PIT-UN project (2022) 

Knowledgeable Contact

Yunus Telliel

 Assistant Professor of Anthropology



Robert Krueger
Professor & Department Head of Social Science and Public Studies
Director of InSTeD (Institute of Science and Technology for Development)
PIT-UN Co-designee


Gillian Smith
Associate Professor & Director of Interactive Media and Game Development

Laureen Elgert
Professor & Department of Integrative and Global Studies


What it means to treat AI like human

WBUR gets existential about AI with with Boston Globe tech writer Hiawatha Bray, Harvard Business School visiting fellow Broderick Turner, Worcester Polytechnic Institute anthropologist Yunus Telliel, and New England Law intellectual property law professor Bhamati Viswanathan.

The Lizard You Actually Want Crawling in the Walls

WPI researchers have partnered with the City of Worcester to develop a lizard-like soft robot that can creep into walls, ductwork, and pipes to perform inspections and three-dimensional mapping tasks that could be dangerous or impossible for humans.  

ChatGPT: Revolutionary Tech or Pandora’s Box?

Five WPI experts weigh in on the current and future impact of ChatGPT—in society in general and in the classroom in particular—as the world adjusts to this new landscape.