
A PIT-NE Initiative Group explores how PIT-NE can create programming and resources to address an identified gap in PIT efforts in New England. Each Initiative Group has Co-Leads who steer the goals, facilitate meetings, and coordinate execution of the output. Members are welcome to propose topics for new Initiative Groups and work with the Executive Director to develop the group. An Initiative Group does not have a set lifetime but yearly reviews will determine if efforts are still relevant.

Current Initiative Group

Faculty Resource Roundtable

Space for faculty to discuss how to navigate academic institutions and share resources. This group aims to hold panel events and monthly meetings with opportunities for members to present topics and facilitate discussion. 

Co-Leads: Christine Bassem, Diana Freed 

Future Leaders of PIT

This group creates opportunities for student-student and and student-mentor engagement across the PIT-NE schools, supports student-led programming from leaders at PIT-NE schools, and builds student self-efficacy that will motivate them to pursue PIT academic and career paths. This group will co-host events with student groups in the region and build a network of PIT student leaders.

Co-Leads: Christine Bassem, Diana Freed, Yunus Telliel, Erhardt Graeff

AI in Curriculum

This group hopes to create resources and events to share understanding of how higher education institutions are addressing our new AI driven world.

Co-Leads: KC Choo, Yunus Telliel

PIT Summer Fellowship

Through the creation of a PIT Summer Fellowship where students work on experiential learning project from community partners and engage with programming focused on supplemental skill development, this group hopes to accomplish the following:

  • Develop students’ technical skills through experiential learning projects provided by local partners and support from experts in residence 
  • Build PIT & professional skills that are necessary for students to thrive in their career by centering solutions on the community
  • Expose students to different PIT career paths to help them see themselves as a public interest technologist

This group will run a pilot program in the summer of 2024.

Co-Leads: Fran Berman, Ziba Cranmer, Fahad Dogar, Ben Linder