Brown University


Brown University has just launched the Center for Technological Responsibility, Reimagination and Redesign (CNTR). CNTR’s mission is to redefine computer science education, research, and technology to center the needs, problems, and aspirations of all those that technology has left behind. CNTR aims to achieve its vision through the following goals focused on education, research, and engagement: REFRAME education. Building a people-centered, equitable, and accountable vision of technology starts with education. Students doing data science and computing need to be trained to incorporate these considerations into technology design. And students who study society in all its forms must understand the presence of underlying automated systems that are reshaping the world. This effort is aligned with the field-building area of supporting curriculum and faculty development. REIMAGINE computing research. The goal of the Center is to develop methods for technology design that actively seeks to promote human well-being and flourishing, while also protecting our rights, opportunities for advancement, and access to vital services. The goal is to view technology as a piece of a broader socio-technical system in which feedback from outputs can affect future decisions by the system, and so a single output can have tremendous impact over time. Research should understand not just the immediate impacts of a system, but its long-term effects as well. This effort will support both curriculum and faculty development and experiential learning opportunities. REIGNITE engagement with stakeholders. Technology development is typically framed with two entities in mind: the companies developing it, and the people using it. But the impact of technology goes far beyond these two entities. The Center will connect with stakeholders in the community and in civil society at large to amplify their concerns, identify solutions, and communicate with and educate policymakers and the media to effect change. This effort will support experiential learning opportunities and secondarily, through the development of a stakeholder network, support graduates looking for careers in public interest technology.

Knowledgeable Contact

Dr. Suresh Venkatasubramanian

Professor of Computer Science and Data Science; Deputy Director of the Data Science Initiative


Diana Freed
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and the Data Science Institute

Julia Netter
Adjunct Assistant Professor of the Practice of Computer Science


Brown professor Suresh Venkatasubramanian tackles societal impact of computer science at White House

Suresh Venkatasubramanian, professor of computer science and data science and deputy director of the Data Science Initiative, recently ended a 15-month appointment as advisor to the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, during which he helped formulate policies to ensure ethical use of artificial intelligence.

Emit, social app founded by student entrepreneurs, aims to expand connections

Two student co-founders have created and released Emit, a social media app created to help users find social events through user-released “flares,” alerting others of new and nearby events.

Connect for Health finds ways to assist patients remotely

Connect for Health, a program run by the Lifespan Community Health Institute, consists of student volunteers to connect patients, like the woman and her children, with medical, community and social services.